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The Need

94% of Network School teachers have identified “technology training” as the most urgent priority for their professional development. Following baseline assessment observations conducted in preparation for our pilot Teacher Technology Training Program, just 8% of teachers were able to turn on a computer and navigate a home menu with independence and 0% of our teachers knew how to access the essential content on the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development website.

While information and communication technology (ICT) has been introduced as a key component of Kenya’s new competency-based curriculum, most teachers in rural Kenya struggle to obtain the needed training, skills, and resources needed to effectively transition to the newly-adopted curriculum – and learners are getting left behind.

Our Approach

Through our Teacher Training Center, we are building the capacity of teachers to create gender-equitable classrooms and enhance student learning.

Through the lens of digital literacy, we support teachers to develop the 21st century skills they need to create and deliver engaging lesson plans, monitor student outcomes, and access online resources for on-going, self-directed professional development.

2024 Reach







What we do

Aligned with our goal to build the capacity of teachers to create engaging and supportive learning environments, we provide teachers with:

  • Skill development workshops focused on strategies for the introduction of technology in the classroom, and access to digital education resources for self-directed professional development.
  • Access to our Technology Resource Center as a dedicated, community-based hub for continuing development through access to the internet, on-site coaching, technology equipment, and digital resources for teachers.
  • Access to our Tech Loaner Library to increase access to equipment for use in the classroom and support teachers in their creation and development of engaging lesson plans.
  • Access to our Digital Resource Library of downloadable learning resources and materials aligned with the subjects and learning objectives of Kenya’s competency-based curriculum as well as information related to our mission-centered topics of sexual and reproductive health, gender-based violence, and Gender Equity.

Impact Highlights

We conduct 78 intensive Teacher Tech Training Workshops each academic year for all teachers in our School Network based on their own skill level and pace. Current proficiency data shows:

Module 1

Introduction to Basic Technology Devices – of 217 total teachers participating in Module 1 workshops:


of participants have achieved full proficiency (able to demonstrate skills with independence) compared to 0% at baseline


of teachers are approaching proficiency (able to demonstrate skills with some self-direction and some coaching)


of teachers (mostly new to the program) are developing proficiency (utilizing ongoing guidance and coaching)

Module 2

Introduction to the Internet and Online Resources – of 217 teachers participating in at least one Module 2 workshop:


of participating teachers have achieved full proficiency


of teachers are approaching proficiency


of teachers are developing proficiency

Monica Kinyua, Teacher

So the tablets remained in a closet gathering dust and, as teachers, we felt left in the dust as well... Now with digital skills, it makes learning much easier for the pupils. It feels good. The pupils and teachers are having a learning experience and enjoying using technology together. My students participate and they are very lively and eager to learn.”

Monica Kinyua, Teacher Nyakio Primary

In August 2023, UNESCO published the 2023 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report entitled “Technology in Education: A tool on whose terms?” In connection with the report, our Teacher Training Center was featured as an example of how harnessing the power of technology can help educators unlock their potential and transform their classrooms.

Specifically highlighted in UNESCO’s GEM Report World Education blog is Monica Kinyua, a teacher at our Network School, Nyakio Primary. As Monica writes, although technology has been introduced as a key component of Kenya’s new competency-based curriculum, teachers in our School Network lack the skills, resources, and confidence to effectively integrate technology into the classroom.